
FMS- Calamiteit, complicatie, incident

Onderdeel van de website van de Federatie Medisch Specialisten (FMS) over het verschil tussen een calamiteit, complicatie en een incident.Met…

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FCIC: Family and patient Centered IC

De FCIC behartigt de belangen van (ex) IC patienten en hun familie, onder andere door een pijler “patientenvereniging”. “De landelijke…

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100 thoughts for the critical care practitioner in the new millennium (2000)

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Bench-to-bedside review: leadership and conflict management in the intensive care unit

In the management of critical care units, leadership and conflict management are vital areas for the successful performance of the…

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Raamwerk Medisch Leiderschap

’Medisch leiderschap’ is geen eenduidig begrip. Voor de een komt het neer op klinisch leiderschap, voor de ander duidt het…

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Organisatie van Intensive Care, kwaliteitsstandaard (2016)

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Rapid response systems

IntroductionRapid response systems are commonly employed by hospitals to identify and respond to deteriorating patients outside of the intensive care…

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Triage decisions for ICU admission: Report from the Task Force of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine

Demand for intensive care unit (ICU) resources often exceeds supply, and shortages of ICU beds and staff are likely to…

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Intensive Care Unit in Disaster

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Management of the brain-dead donor in the ICU: general and specifc therapy to improve transplantable organ quality

Purpose: To provide a practical overview of the management of the potential organ donor in the intensive care unit. Methods:…

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