
Nederlandse Transplantatie Stichting

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Organ donation after circulatory death: current status and future potential

The continuing shortage of deceased donor organs for transplantation, and the limited number of potential donors after brain death, has…

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Management of donation after brain death (DBD) in the ICU: the potential donor is identified, what’s next?

The success of any donation process requires that potential brain-dead donors (PBDD) are detected and referred early to professionals responsible…

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Critical synopsis and key questions in brain death determination

This thematic issue in Intensive Care Medicine subscribes to a fundamental medical principle: Brain death is death, and organ and…

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Besluit Hersendoodprotocol

Besluit van 30 juni 1997, houdende vaststelling van het Hersendoodprotocol

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Communicatie met familieleden van een vermoedelijk hersendode patiënt

Dames en Heren, Sinds 1973 heeft de Gezondheidsraad 7 keer advies gegeven inzake hersendoodcriteria.1 In 1996 werd de Wet op…

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Communicatie rond donatie

De scholing Communicatie rond Donatie (CrD) bereidt professionals voor op het voeren van een donatiegesprek. Tijdens de scholing wordt o.a.…

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Brain Death and Islam

How one defines death may vary. It is important for clinicians to recognize those aspects of a patient’s religious beliefs…

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Organ Donation After Euthanasia: A Dutch Practical Manual

In September 2013, an article addressing organ donationafter active euthanasia was published in theDutch Journalof Medicine(1). A patient suffering from…

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