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Anion-Gap (Prof. Zietse)

YouTube filmpje van Erasmus MC serie waarin prof. Zietse, hoogleraar nefrologie, de aniongap toelicht (feb 2013).

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Acid–base and electrolyte disorders (2014)

Waar gaat dit artikel over?Uitleg over de benadering van zuurbase-stoornissen aan de hand van zowel het ‘strong ion’ als het…

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Citraat CVVH (2017)

Een mooi overzichtsartikel over regionale antistolling met citraat bij nierfunctievervangende therapie. Inmiddels is regionale antistolling met citraat bewezen als meest…

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Understanding oliguria in the critically ill

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Diagnostic work-up and specific causes of acute kidney injury

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in critically ill patients and associated with grim short- and long-term outcome. Although in…

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Fluid management in acute kidney injury

Acute kidney injury (AKI) and fluids are closely linked through oliguria, which is a marker of the former and a…

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Acute kidney injury in the ICU: from injury to recovery: reports from the 5th Paris International Conference

The French Intensive Care Society organized its yearly Paris International Conference in intensive care on June 18-19, 2015. The main…

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Renal dysfunction in cirrhosis: acute kidney injury and the hepatorenal syndrome

Renal dysfunction is a common complication of liver cirrhosis and of utmost clinical and prognostic relevance. Patients with cirrhosis are…

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Sepsis-induced acute kidney injury

Purpose of review: Sepsis is a common and frequently fatal condition in which mortality has been consistently linked to increasing…

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