
Het Acute Boekje van de NIV

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Red blood cell transfusion thresholds and storage

Richtlijn van de AABB (former American Association of Blood Banks) over de transfusietrigger voor erytrocytenconcentraat en adviezen voor bewaren en…

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Organisatie van Intensive Care, kwaliteitsstandaard (2016)

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Besluit Hersendoodprotocol

Besluit van 30 juni 1997, houdende vaststelling van het Hersendoodprotocol

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Guidelines on the management of anaemia and red celltransfusion in adult critically ill patients

This document aims to summarize the current literatureguiding the use of red cell transfusion in critically ill patientsand provides recommendations…

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The European guideline on management of major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma: fourth edition

BackgroundSevere trauma continues to represent a global public health issue and mortality and morbidity in trauma patients remains substantial. A…

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Bloedingen tractus digestivus

De richtlijn ‘Bloedingen van de tractus digestivus 2017’ is mede tot stand gekomen door hetprogramma richtlijn ontwikkeling van de SKMS…

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IAP/APA evidence-based guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis

Background: There have been substantial improvements in the management of acute pancreatitis since the publication of the International Association of…

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Acuut leverfalen

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Early enteral nutrition in critically ill patients: ESICM clinical practice guidelines

Purpose: To provide evidence-based guidelines for early enteral nutrition (EEN) during critical illness. Methods: We aimed to compare EEN vs.…

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